October 28, 1832

28 October (Sunday): At seven thirty, 2 1/2°R [37.6°F, 3.1°C]. The sun emerges. Mr. Bodmer went out to draw; Dreidoppel and a local resident [went 4 miles to the Fox River to fetch mussels, of which he brought home some very large and nice ones. He had killed a young male Anas sponsa and had seen a large number of ducks, several of which he winged but did not get.

Mr. Say paid me a long visit during the forenoon. I still did not venture far, only for a short visit to the home of Mr. Say. In the evening a Falco haliaëtus and a large Strix were brought to us. Today Dreidoppel had seen a large number of turtles at the place where the Fox River empties into the Wabash. They were sitting in groups of about thirty on a trunk in the water, as though piled up, [and] in such a way that little ones were sitting on top of larger ones. Some of them were covered with mud, and several species seemed to be united here.

Sunday, October 28, 1832
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